Saskatchewan Polytechnic Edition (2nd ed.)
- Title changed to Health, Safety and Nutrition (2nd ed.)
- New cover
- Land acknowledgment
- Table of content with links to sections included to meet WCAG standards
- Read time and video times included to meet WCAG standards
- Ongoing updates to meet various WCAG standards
- U.S.A information was replaced with Provincial or Federal (Canada) information.
NSCC Edition
- New Cover
- Attribution statements rewritten to provide accurate authorship credit
- Hierarchical tagging revised to meet WGAG standards.
- Layout revised to meet accessibility requirements.
- Prevention of Illness chapter
- replaced U.S vaccine information with Canadian and Nova Scotia specific content,
- Replaced U.S. water quality legislation and regulation information with Canadian information.
Pressbooks Edition
Title Changed from Health, Safety, and Nutrition to Safety, Health, and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education.
Text imported from Libretext hosted version.