APPENDIX G: References and Additional Resources

(Listed by chapter so some items appear more than once in this list.)


Absolon, K., Absolon, J., & Brasher, L. (2019).  Indigenous/Aanishaaebek wholistic healing. In P. Dunn (Ed.), (pp. 35-62). Holistic healing: Theories, practices, and social change (pp. 35-62). Canadian Scholars.

Asamoah, G., Khakpor, M., Carr, Tracey, & Groot, G. (2022). Exploring Indigenous traditional healing programs in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand: A scoping review. Explore, 19(1), 14-25.

Baskin, C. (2022). Strong helpers’ teachings: The value of Indigenous Knowledges in the helping professions. (3rd ed.). Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Cormier, D. (2024). Learning in a time of abundance: The community is the curriculum. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hunter, J., Harnett, J., Chan, W., & Pirotta, M. (2023). What is integrative medicine? Establishing the decision criteria for an operational definition of integrative medicine for general practice health services research in Australia. Integrative Medicine Research, 12(4).

Ng J, Dhawan T, Fajardo R, Masood HA, Sunderji S, Wieland L, Moher D. (2023). The brief history of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine terminology and the development and creation of an operational definition. Integrative Medicine Research, 12(4)

Rakel, D., & Weil, A. (2023). Philosophy of integrative medicine. D. Rakel & V. Minichiello. (Eds.), Integrative medicine (5th ed., 1-9). Elsevier.

Scott Barss, K. (2015). Integrative care. In M. Halter, C. Pollard, S. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric/mental health nursing: A clinical approach (1st Canadian ed.) (pp. 717-734). Toronto: Elsevier.

Scott Barss, K. (2020). Spiritual care in holistic nursing education: A spirituality and health elective rooted in T.R.U.S.T. and Contemplative Education. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(1), 122-130.


Chapter 1: Wholism, Integrative Health Care, & Decolonization

Allan, B., & Smilie, J. (2015). First peoples, second class treatment: The role of racism in the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Wellesley Institute.

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE). (n.d.) Assessment tools.

Ananthalakshmi, R. (2022). Integrative dentistry: What, when and how. International Journal of Head and Neck Pathology, 5 (1).

Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing. (2022). Principles of integrative nursing. (See also Kreitzer et al. below)

British Columbia Open Text Campus. (2018). Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation: Pulling together: A guide for curriculum developers.       decolonization-and-reconciliation/

Berry, L., Yadav, M., & Hole, M. (2024).  Reclaiming healthcare’s healing mission for a sustainable future. Journal of Service Research, 27(1). 

Berth, D. (2014). Integrative clinical social work practice: A contemporary perspective. Springer

Bodeker, G., & Kariippanon, K. (2024). Traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine.  Reference module in biomedical sciences. Elsevier.  

Boon, H;, Verhoef, M., O’Hara, D., Findlay, B., Majid, N. (2004a). Integrative healthcare: Arriving at a working definition. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 10(5).

Boon, H., Verhoef, M., O’Hara, D., Findlay, B.  (2004b) From parallel practice to integrative health care: A conceptual framework. BMC Health Services Research,  4(1). 

Bourque-Bearskin, M. (2023). Decolonization: The what, why and how: A treaties on Indigenous nursing knowledge. Nursing Philosophy, 24(2).

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). (n.d.) Your health: Health outcomes.  !/themes/004/health-outcomes

Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. (2010). A national interprofessional competency framework.     Feb1210.pdf

Chao, M., & Adler, S., (2024). Integrative health equity: Definition, principles, strategies, and reflections. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13.

Dunn, P. (2019). Holistic healing: Theories, practices, and social change. Canadian Scholars.

Eni, R., Phillips‑Beck, W., Kyoon Achan, G., Lavoie, J., Kinew, K., & Katz, A. (2021) Decolonizing health in Canada: A Manitoba First Nation perspective. International Journal of Equity and Health, 20.

Fontaine, A. (2021). Canadian health care and truth and reconciliation.

Gebhard, A., McLean, S., & St. Denis, V. (2022). White benevolence: Racism and colonial           violence in the helping professions. Fernwood.

George, R., D’Alessandro, S., Mehmet, M. I., Nikidehaghani, M., Evans, M. M., Laud, G., & Tedmanson, D. (2024). On the Path to Decolonizing Health Care Services: The Role of Marketing. Journal of Marketing88(1), 138-159.

Graham, K. Foley, H., Adams, J., Steel, A. (2023). Complex systems, complex practice, complex outcomes: A call for the development of complexity-informed implementation models   (CIIM) for traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 64.

Guarneri M. (2019). The integrative health and medicine movement: A historical and personal perspective. Integrative Medicine,18(5):28-29. 

Hunter, J., Harnett, J., Chan, W., & Pirotta, M. (2023). What is integrative medicine? Establishing the decision criteria for an operational definition of integrative   medicine for general practice health services research in Australia. Integrative Medicine Research, 12(4).

International Integrative Psychotherapy Association (2021). What is integrative psychotherapy?  

Institute for Health Care Improvement. (n.d.) Why it’s not possible to have quality without equity in healthcare. 

Jonas, W. (2024). The HOPE note: A tool for adding integrative health care to a routine office visit. Healing Works Foundation.

Jonas, W., & Rosenbaum, E. (2021). The case for whole-person integrative care. Medicina, 57(7).

Jonas, W. (2018a). How healing works and what it means for health care. GW Health Sciences.

Jonas, W.  (2018b).  How healing works: Get well and stay well using your hidden power to heal. Lorena Jones Books.

Justice, C., Sullivan, M., Van Demark, C., Davis, C., & Erb, M. (2023). Guiding principles for the practice of integrative physical therapy, Physical Therapy, 103(12).

Kreitzer M., Koithan M., Sullivan D., Nunez M., & Voss M. (2022). Integrative nursing and the ANA scope and standards of practice: Expanding the reach of nursing for families and society. Creative Nursing, 28(4), 228-233.

Lavallee, B., & Harding, L. (2022). How Indigenous-specific racism is coached into health systems. In A. Gebhard, S. McLean, & V. St. Denis (Eds.) White benevolence: Racism  and colonial violence in the helping professions. Fernwood.

Marya, R.  (2018). Health and justice: The path of liberation through medicine.

Miller, R., & Rollnick, S. (2023). Motivational interviewing: Helping people change and grow. (4th ed.) Guilford Publications.

Nadeau, D. (2020). Unsettling Spirit: A journey into decolonization. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Narasinham, S., & Chandanabhamma, P. (2021). A scoping review of decolonization in Indigenous-focused health education and behavior research. Health Education & Behavior, 48(3), 306–319.

National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). (n.d.) Complementary, alternative, or integrative health: What’s in a name?

Quinn, J. (2018). The integrated nurse: Way of the healer. In M. Kreitzer & M. Koithan (Eds.), Integrative nursing (2nd ed., pp. 40-54)Oxford University Press.

Rabeneck, L., McCabe, C., Dobrow, M., Ruco, A., Andrew, M., Wong, S., Straus, S., Paszat, L.,   Richardson, L., Simpson, C., Boozary, A. (2023). Strengthening health care in Canada Post Covid-19 Pandemic: An RSC policy briefing. Royal Society of Canada.  postcovid-19-pandemic

Rakel, D., & Weil, A. (2023). Philosophy of integrative medicine. D. Rakel and V. Minichiello. (Eds.), Integrative medicine (5th ed., 1-9). Elsevier.

Rosenbaum, E., Gordon, A., Cresta, J., Shaughnessy, A., & Jonas, W. (2023). Implementing whole person primary care: Results from a year-long learning collaborative. Journal of American Board of Family Medicine, 36(4).

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). (2015). TRC: Calls to action.

Sadat Hoseini, A., Shareinia, H., Pashaeypoor, S. et al. (2023). A cross-cultural concept analysis of healing in nursing: A hybrid model. BMC Nursing, 22. 

Sakallaris, B., MacAllister, L., Voss, M., Smith, K., Jonas, W. (2015). Optimal healing environments. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 4(3):40-45.

Scott Barss, K. (2012). T.R.U.S.T.: An affirming model for inclusive spiritual care. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30(1), 24-34. 

Seetharaman, M., Krishnan, G., & Schneider, R. (2021). The future of medicine: Frontiers in integrative health and medicine. Medicina, 57. PMC8707659

Swidrovich, J., & Tsuyuki, R. (2023). Laying the groundwork for decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation in pharmacy. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 156(3):108-109.  

Weil, A. (n.d.) Integrative medicine: Definition, advantages and principles.


Chapter 2  History of Healing: The World’s Healing Systems

Baars E, & Hamre H. (2017). Whole medical systems versus the system of conventional biomedicine: A critical, narrative review of similarities, differences, and factors that promote the integration process. Evidence Based Complement and Alternative Medicine.

Bland, J. (2022). Functional medicine: Past, present, and future. Integrative Medicine, 21(2):22-26.

Devine, S., Awuni Kolog, E., Atinga Front, R., (2022). Toward a knowledge-based system for African traditional herbal medicine: A design science research approach. Medicine & Public Health Section: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5.

Eggertson, L. (2015). Doctors should collaborate with traditional healers. Canadian Medical Association. Journal, 187(5), 153-154.

Ermine, W. (n.d.). An Indigenous perspective on reconciliation. Indigenous Education: The National Centre for Collaboration.

First Nations Health Authority, British Columbia, Canada. (n.d.) Traditional healing. 

Gall, A., Butler, T., Lawler, S., & Garvey, G. (2021). Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine use among Indigenous peoples with diabetes in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45(6), 664-671.

Jouvencia Agossi, S. (2023). Integration of traditional healing practices in modern medicine in South America.  International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 11 (12). Issue 12, 36-47.

Ijaz, N. (2024). What is traditional, complementary and integrative medicine? An operational typology.  Pre-Print Article.

Manitowabi, S. (2018). Medicine Wheel Teachings. Historical and contemporary realities: Movement towards reconciliation.

Marques B., Freeman C., Carter, L. Adapting traditional healing values and beliefs into therapeutic cultural environments for health and well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1).

Matos L., Machado J., Monteiro F., & Greten H. (2021). Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine therapeutics: An overview of the basics and clinical applications. Healthcare (Basel), 9(3). doi: 10.3390/healthcare9030257.

National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). (n.d.). Health information.

Pustiglione, M., Goldenstein, E., Moisés Chencinski, Y. (2017). Homeopathy: A brief description of this medical specialty. Revista de Homoepatia, 80.

Redvers N., & Blondin B. (2020). Traditional Indigenous medicine in North America: A scoping review. PLoS One, 15(8).

Steel A., Goldenberg, J.,  Hawrelak, J., Foley, H.,  Gerontakos, S., Harnett, J., Schloss, J.,  Reid, R. (2020). Integrative physiology and traditional naturopathic practice: Results of an international observational study.  Integrative Medicine Research, 9.

The Institute for Functional Medicine. (n.d.). What is functional medicine?

Therapeutic Research Center (n.d.). Natural medicines comprehensive database: Professional. NatMed Pro (

Therapeutic Research Centre. (n.d.) Natural medicines comprehensive database: Consumer.  Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version (

Tubaki B., & Prasad B. (2023). Ayurveda fundamentals and science: A perspective. AYU: A Quarterly International Research Journal in Ayerveda, 43(2):65-70.

von Schoen-Angerer, T., Kumar Manchanda, R., Lloyd, I., Wardle, J., Szöke,J., Benevides, I., Aldana Martinez, N., Tolo, F., Nicolai, T., Skaling-Klopstock, C., Parker, T., Suswardany, D., van Haselen, R.,  Liu, J. (2023). Traditional, complementary and  integrative healthcare: Global and stakeholder perspective on WHO’s current and future  strategy. BMJ Global Health, 8 (12).

WHO. (2019). WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine.

WHO. (n.d.). Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) (Watch for new documents, including next WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy in 2025)

WHO. (2024)  WHO global traditional medicine centre.

Teixeira, M. “Homeopathy is not placebo effect”: Proof of the scientific evidence for homeopathy. Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association, 70(4).


Chapter 3: Options for Healing: Evidence-Informed Exploration of Specific Modalities

Carroll, R. (2022). Guided imagery: Harnessing the power of imagination to combat workplace stress for health care professionals. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 28,

Health Canada. (n.d.) Licensed natural health products database.

Jonas, W. (n.d.) Enhance your healing response through guided imagery.

Luther, B., & Flattes, V. (2022). Bias and psychological safety in healthcare teams. Orthopeadic Nursing 41(2), 118-122.  

Lichtenstein, A., Berger, A., & Cheng, J. (2017). Definitions of healing and healing interventions across different cultures. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 6(3).

National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). (n.d.a). Health information.

NCCIH. (n.d.b) Are you considering a complementary health approach?

NCCIH. (n.d.cKnow the science.

NCCIH. (n.d.d). Tips on complementary health practices.

Rakel, D., & Weil, A. (2023). Philosophy of integrative medicine. D. Rakel and V. Minichiello. (Eds.), Integrative medicine (5th ed., 1-9). Elsevier.

Therapeutic Research Center (n.d.). Natural medicines comprehensive database: Professional. NatMed Pro (

Therapeutic Research Centre. (n.d.) Natural medicines comprehensive database: Consumer.

Weil, A., & Mazes, V. (2020).  Exploring guided imagery with Bellaruth Naparstek: Body of wonder podcast # 8. Andrew Weil Centre for Integrative Medicine.

WHO. (2019). WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine.

WHO. (n.d.). Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCI) (Watch for new documents, including next WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy in 2025)

Zemla, K., Sedek G., Wróbel, K., Postepski, F., Wojcik, G. (2023). Investigating the impact of guided imagery on stress, brain functions, and attention: A randomized trial. Sensors, 23(13). 


Chapter 4:  Logistics of IHC: Issues and Shared Problem-Solving

Avila, C., Grace, S., & Bradbury, J. (2020). How do patients integrate complementary medicine with mainstream healthcare? A survey of patients’ perspectives. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 49

Graham, K. Foley, H., Adams, J., Steel, A. (2023). Complex systems, complex practice, complex outcomes: A call for the development of complexity-informed implementation models (CIIM) for traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 64. Canada. (n.d.) Canada’s food and drugs act and regulations.

Health Canada. (n.d. b.) Natural health products.

Ijaz, N., Rioux, J., Elder, C., Weeks, J. (2019). Whole Systems Research Methods in Health Care: A Scoping Review. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 25.

Kapoor N, Yadav R. (2021). Manuka honey: A promising wound dressing material for the chronic nonhealing discharging wounds: A retrospective study. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery,12(2):233-237.

Medical News Today. (n.d.) Our editorial process. 

Rakel, D., & Weil, A. (2023). Philosophy of integrative medicine. D. Rakel and V. Minichiello. (Eds.), Integrative medicine (5th ed., 1-9). Elsevier.

Swidrovich J, & Tsuyuki, R. (2023). Laying the groundwork for decolonization, Indigenization,  and reconciliation in pharmacy. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 156(3):108-109.  

Tashkandi H. (2021). Honey in wound healing: An updated review. Open Life Science, 16(1).

WHO. (2019). WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine.

WHO. (n.d.). Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCI) (Watch for new documents, including next WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy in 2025)


Chapter 5: Global and Health Care Climates

Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing. (n.d.) Whole systems healing overview.

Berry, L., Yadav, M., & Hole, M. (2024).  Reclaiming healthcare’s healing mission for a sustainable future. Journal of Service Research, 27(1).  

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). (n.d.) Hazard risk: Hazard identification.

Devries, S., & Willett, W. (2021) Healthy plate, healthy planet: An interactive guide for the public ( (10 minutes)  Note resources at end of video for additional evidence-base

Galway, P., & Field, E. (2023). Climate emotions and anxiety among young people in Canada: A national survey and call to action, The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 9.

Hange, M. (2023). Environmental health: Understanding and mitigating health risks. Journal of Primary Care and General Practice, 6(4). 

Health Canada. (n.d.) Environmental health risks.

Health Canada. (n.d.) Healthy home guide.

Kreitzer, M.J. (n.d.). What can I do to create a healing environment? Taking charge of your health & wellbeing. University of Minnesota.

Luck, S. (2022). Environmental Health. In Helming, M., Shields, D., Avino, K., & Rosa, W. (Eds.) Dossey & Keegan’s Holistic Nursing (8th ed., 427-442). Jones & Bartlett.

McElroy E., Ashton M., Bagnall A, Comerford T., McKeown M., Patalay P., Pennington A., South J., Wilson T., Corcoran, R. (2021). The individual, place, and wellbeing: A network analysis. BMC Public Health, 21(1).

Mental Health Commission of Canada. (n.d.) Understanding and coping with eco-anxiety.

Sakallaris, B., MacAllister, L., Voss, M., Smith, K., Jonas, W. (2015). Optimal healing environments. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 4(3):40-45.

Scott Barss, K. (1999). Healing imagery: Reflections on a healing journey. Granny Ranch Publishing.

Scott Barss, K. (2012). T.R.U.S.T.: An affirming model for inclusive spiritual care. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30(1), 24-34. 

Sternberg, E. (2013). Healing spaces: The science of place and well-being: Esther Sternberg at TEDxTucson 2013.

Sudak, N., & Harvie, J. (2023). Integrative strategies for planetary health. In D. Rakel & V. Minichiello (Eds.), Integrative medicine (5th ed., 887-895). Elsevier.

Tippit, K. (2023). Christiana Figueres: Ecological hope  and spiritual evolution | The On Being Project

WHO. (2019). Sustainable healthy diets: guiding principles.

WHO. (n.d.) Environmental health.

Zhang, Y., Tzortzopoulos, P., & Kagioglou, M. (2019). Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: Environment–occupant–health framework. Building Research & Information, 47(6), 747-766.

Zborowsky, T., & Kreitzer, M. (2018). Creating optimal healing environments. In M. Kreitzer & M. Koithan (Eds.), 371-389. Integrative nursing (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.


Chapter 6

Bagot, J., Theunissen, I.,  Mouysset, J.,  Wagner, J.,  Magné, N., & Toledano, A. (2021). Integrative healthcare: Definition and examples of implementation in oncology in France, La Revue d’Homéopathie,12(4), e61-e66

Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing. (n.d.) Whole systems healing overview.

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2021) Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines.

Carlton Newsroom. (2024). Advancing holistic healthcare: Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine for all.

Chao, M., & Adler, S., (2024). Integrative health equity: Definition, principles, strategies, and reflections. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13.

Contemplative Life. (n.d.) Body of practice.

Crane, R., Callen-Davies, R., Francis A., Francis, D., Gibbs, P. Mulligan, B.,  O’Neill, T., Pierce Williams, K., Waupoose, M., & Vallejo, Z.  (2023). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for our time: A curriculum that is up to the task. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 12.

Czerka, I., Skweres-Kuchta, M. (2021).  Integrative medicine as a new treatment model and the future of health care systems in the world in the context of rare diseases. European Research Studies Journal, 24.

Dossey, B., & Luck, S. (2016). Self-assessments. In B. Dossey, & L. Keegan (Eds.), Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice (7th ed., pp. 703-715). Jones & Bartlett. 

First Nations Health Authority. (n.d.) Planning your journey to wellness: A roadmap.

Harvard School of Public Health. (n.d.) The nutrition source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Healing Works Foundation. (n.d.a) Building the confidence to change a habit.

Healing Works Foundation. (n.d.b) Creating positive change.

Healing Works Foundation. (n.d.c) Primary care personal health inventory. (Note: pdf includes full questionnaire)

Healing Works Foundation (n.d.d). Resources.

Health Canada. (2024). Canada’s food guide.

Gaudet, G. (2022).  Cultural transformation to a whole health system: Lessons learned. Global Advances in Health and Medicine,11. 

Graham, K. Foley, H., Adams, J., Steel, A. (2023). Complex systems, complex practice, complex outcomes: A call for the development of complexity-informed implementation models   (CIIM) for traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 64.

Ijaz, N., Rioux, J., Elder, C., Weeks, J. (2019). Whole systems research methods in health care: A scoping review. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 25. Ijaz, N., Rioux, J., Elder, C., Weeks, J. (2019). Whole Systems Research Methods in Health Care: A Scoping Review. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 25.

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Inspire Health. (n.d.) Supportive cancer care: Programs & services.

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Lampton, L. (2024). The healing power of arts in healthcare professionals. The Pulse: Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 64(4).

Locke, A. (2024). Using the values of integrative medicine to create the future of healthcare. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13(1).

Martins, P. (2020). A model of integrative medicine for health care in contemporary society. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 28(2).

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Seetharaman, M., Krishnan, G., Schneider, R. The future of medicine: Frontiers in integrative health and medicine. Medicina, 57(12).

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Chapter 7: Closing Reflections

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Scott Barss, K. (2005). Spirit songs: Sacred imagery for healing. Granny Ranch Publishing.


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