APPENDIX D: IHC-Related Books
(Priority ‘Go-To’ Reference Books are Noted with an Asterisk*)
Al-Worafi, Y. (2024). Handbook of Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine | Edu (e-book)
Achterberg, J. (1991). Woman as healer: A panoramic survey of the healing activities of women from prehistoric times to the present. Shambhala.
Baldwin, C., & Linnea, A. (2010). The circle way: A leader in every chair. Berrett-Koehler.
Bard, R. (Ed.) (2023). Image-guided aesthetic treatments. Springer. (Note chapters on Dentistry and some Oncology-related procedures)
Baskin, C. (2022). Strong helpers’ teachings: The value of Indigenous Knowledges in the helping professions. (3rd ed.). Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Boan, J. (2024). The medicine chest: A physician’s journey toward reconciliation. University of Regina Press.
Bauer, B. (2021). Mayo Clinic guide to integrative medicine. Mayo Clinic Press.
BC Campus. (2018). Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation: Pulling together: A guide for curriculum developers.
Cormier, D. (2024). Learning in a time of abundance: The community is the curriculum. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Crenshaw, K. (2017). On intersectionality: Essential writings. Faculty Books.
DiLauro, M. (2018). Examination of an integrative health care model for social work practice. Health Social Work, 43(4):261-268.
Dunn, P. (Ed.) (2019). Holistic healing: Theories, practices, and social change. Canadian Scholars.
*Gebhard, A., McLean, S., & St. Denis, V. (2022). White benevolence: Racism and colonial violence in the helping professions. Fernwood.
Good, M. (2024). Truth telling: Seven conversations about Indigenous life in Canada. Harper Perennial.
Helming, M., Shields, D., Avino, K., & Rosa, W. (2022). Dossey & Keegan’s holistic nursing: A handbook for practice (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
Jonas, W. (2018). How healing works: Get well and stay well using your hidden power to heal. Lorena Jones Books.
Kennedy, K., Leclerc, L., & Campis, S. (2021). Human-centered leadership in healthcare: Evolution of a Revolution. Morgan James Publishing.
Kimmerer, R. (2024). Abundance and reciprocity in the natural world. Scribner.
Kleinman, A. (2020). The illness narratives: Suffering, healing, and the human condition. Basic Books.
Korn, L. (2023). Rhythms of recovery: Integrative medicine for PTSD and complex trauma.
Kram, N. (2021). Restorative practices of well-being. Applied Mindfulness.
*Kreitzer, M., & Koithan, M. (Eds.). (2018). Integrative nursing (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. (3rd ed. in 2025)
Leigh, J. (2023). Held by the land: A guide to Indigenous plants for wellness. Wellfleet Press.
Levine, P. (2008). Healing trauma: A pioneering program for restoring the wisdom of your body. Sounds True.
Louv, R. (2016). Vitamin N: 500 ways to enrich the health & happiness of your family & community. Algonquin Books.
Mehl-Madronna, L. (2003). Coyote healing: Miracles in Native medicine. Bear & Co.
Mehl-Madronna, L., & Malinguy, B. (2015). The neuroscience of self-transformation through story. Bear & Co.
Miller, R., & Rollnick, S. (2023). Motivational interviewing: Helping people change and grow (4th ed.) Guilford Publications.
Parasram, A., & Khasnablish, A. (2022). Frequently asked white questions. Fernwood Publishing.
Porges, S., & Dana, D. (Eds.) (2018). Clinical applications of the polyvagal theory: The emergence of polyvagal-informed therapies. W.W. Norton & Co.
Prendergast, N. (2023). An introduction to anti-racism for the nursing professional: A focus on anti-black racism.
*Rakel, D. & Minichiello, V. (Eds.) (2023). Integrative medicine (5th ed.). Elsevier.
Ryff, C. & Krueger, R. (Eds). (2018). The Oxford handbook of integrative health science. Oxford University Press.
Rupa, M., & Patel, R. (2021). Inflamed: Deep medicine and the anatomy of injustice. Farrar, Straus, & Giroux.
Saad, L. (2020). Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and be a good ancestor. Sourcebooks.
Scott, K. (2024). Radical respect: How to work better together. SMP.
Scott Barss, K. (2024). The Spiritual dimension of health and healing. Saskatchewan Polytechnic. (OER)
Sharfstein, J. (2022). The public health crisis survival guide: Leadership and management in trying times. Oxford University Press.
Sternberg, E. (2010). Healing spaces: The science of place and well-being. Belknap Press.
Stonechild, B. (2024). Challenge to civilization: Indigenous wisdom and the future. University of Regina Press.
Vangool, A. (2022). The journey of self-care to we-care: The art and science of the human experience. Tellwell Talent.
Wahinkpe T., & Narvaez, D. (2024). Restoring the kinship worldview: Indigenous voices introduce 28 precepts for rebalancing life on planet earth. ReadHowYouWant.
See Also: *Weil Integrative Medicine Library. Oxford University Press (Numerous Titles)