Appendix E: WHOLE Care Reflective Questions for Health Care Consumers


  • W – WHOLISM – What would you like your health care providers (HCPs), to know about you and your health so they can provide holistic care in ways that meet your current needs and goals? (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational)


  • H – HISTORY – What is important for your HCPs to know about your health history? (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, culturally, otherwise?) What healing traditions are part of your history?/Meaningful to you?/Unhelpful to you?
  • O – OPTIONS – What options have you already considered/used to address your health challenges? (e.g. healing modalities; practitioners; products) What are their potential benefits and risks? What resources and supports do you need in learning more about them and making related decisions? 
  • L – LOGISTICS – What assistance do you need to fully understand and safely access the modalities that can best support your healing process?  What challenges are you encountering? Who and what can help you to navigate them?
  • E – ENVIRONMENT – What can HCPs do to help create an environment that feels safe and restful to you? What, if any, environmental stressors and hazards concern you in your daily life at home and at work?
  • CARE – What do you regularly do to care for yourself? How can others support you in these wellness practices? Overall, what assistance do you most need from HCPs in your health care?

References and Resources

Kreitzer, M., & Koithan, M. (Eds.). (2018). Integrative nursing (2nd ed.)Oxford University Press. (3rd ed. in 2025) 

Miller, W., Rollnick, S. (2023). Motivational interviewing. Guilford Press.

National Institute of Health (NIH). (n.d.). National center for complementary and integrative health

(NCCIH). (See ‘Be an Informed Consumer’ and ‘For Health Professionals’ ; search options re: specific health topics, healing systems, modalities, and products)

Rakel, D. & Minichiello, V. (Eds.) (2023). Integrative medicine (5th ed.). Elsevier.

Therapeutic Research Center (n.d.). Natural medicines comprehensive database.  (Professional version) (Consumer version) 

World Health Organization. (2019). WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine.


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