
Clinical Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

The student will seek, plan, implement and evaluate the learning experiences necessary to meet the learning outcomes. Clinical faculty and preceptors will provide support; however, the student is the best person to identify their unique learning needs.

Students are registered nurses and are responsible for their own actions. Students should not perform any skill or procedure for which they do not feel competent.  Actions must be validated by the preceptor.

Specific student duties include:

  • seek learning opportunities that are consistent with course objectives.
  • discuss learning goals with the preceptor;
  • request ongoing feedback about progress;
  • provide Preceptor Evaluation Form to the preceptor;
  • discuss feedback with preceptor;
  • submit to the appropriate assignment Dropbox  the Preceptor Evaluation Form;
  • maintain safety for patient, self, student, and others (see Patient Safety);
  • ensure all clinical learning outcomes on the preceptor feedback form are met; and
  • discuss concerns re experience with faculty.

Tips on being a successful student:

  • Provide the preceptor with your background and if requested, your resume.
  • Be prepared to communicate your expectations for regular feedback from your preceptor. Regular feedback can build your confidence and identify areas for personal improvement.
    • At the end of each day, it may be helpful to ask your preceptor, “How did I do today?  Do you have any suggestions about what I can review to be better prepared for tomorrow?”
  • Additionally, you are encouraged to express your appreciation for your preceptors for their contribution to your learning at the end of the experience.

Clinical Faculty Responsibilities

The clinical faculty will support students and preceptors throughout all clinical activities. A faculty member is available while the student is in the clinical experience. Additionally, the clinical faculty is responsible for each student’s final assessment of all course components and will determine the pass/fail grade.

Specific clinical faculty duties include:

  • provide preceptor and student resources related to the clinical experience,
  • clarify course goals and learning outcomes to the preceptor and other staff, as appropriate,
  • communicate student progress and assessment processes to students and preceptors,
  • monitor student’s progress in all clinical activities,
  • provide counseling on academic matters, as needed,
  • review evaluative components,
  • assign the pass/fail final grade for the course, and
  • remove students from clinical activities if student concerns or compromised patient safety situations occur.

Preceptor Characteristics 

Preceptors support students in acquiring the knowledge, skills, abilities and judgement required to practice as an RN Prescriber. They provide ongoing feedback to the student regarding progress.

Hagler, Mays, Stillwell, Kastenbaum, Brooks, Fineout-Overholt, Williamson & Jirsak, 2012 identified the following as important preceptor characteristics that enhance the learner’s experience:

  1. Welcomes students, is prepared and ready to mentor.
  2. Respectful of student’s autonomy and independence.
  3. Readily available to the student.
  4. Clinically competent.
  5. Values the importance of providing a safe non – judgmental learning environment.
  6. Demonstrates patience, is supportive and encouraging.
  7. Models’ good organization and time management.
  8. Has integrity and respect for all team members and demonstrates professional ethics.

Preceptor Responsibilities

The preceptor is responsible in the immediate situation assessing the student’s knowledge, skill, and judgment to determine whether or not the student should perform the skill. We encourage preceptors to do this in collaboration with you.

The preceptor will meet the following qualifications:

  • is an authorized prescriber, nurse practitioner or physician;
  • has a minimum of 1 year of experience in the setting;
  • has interest in, and time to guide, mentor and assess the student.

Specific preceptor duties include:

  • orientate the student to the clinical setting, agency policies and procedures;
  • assist the student to expand skills, knowledge and judgment;
  • maintain safety for patient, self, student and others;
  • ensure confidentiality of patient and student records;
  • provide ongoing feedback to the student;
  • review and co-sign student chart entries and prescriptions;
  • complete, in collaboration with the student the Preceptor Evaluation Form;
  • discuss student performance with clinical faculty, as needed.
  • notify clinical faculty of any concerns.

Practice Education Administrator

  • The program approves clinical sites.
  • The practice education administrator works with the employer to establish the clinical sites. Students must not participate in any clinical experiences until clinical confirmation is received from the program.
  • Confirmation will be provided through your Saskatchewan Polytechnic email.


RN Prescribing Preceptor Handbook Copyright © by Dr. Francoise Verville NP and Lara Metheral. All Rights Reserved.