Appendix C: References and Resources
References and Additional Resources
Readers are encouraged to explore resources in an unhurried, contemplative manner, discerning which one or two among them are most supportive at a given time.
Additional resources are available at Wellness & Healing Resources: Integrative Health Care
Resources that can be linked to in previous chapters & appendices are not included below (as they are most effectively experienced in the context of related exploration).
Atipoe-Dorcoo, S., & Boone, K. (2023). Doing the inner work for sustainable practices. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 38 (1).
Baldwin, C., & Linnea, A. (2010). The circle way: A leader in every chair. Berrett-Koehler.
Boland, N. (2020). Lived spirituality: Exploring the richness of inner work. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 13(2): 1-20.
Burnett, T., & Cocove, S. (Hosts) (n.d.) Templeton ideas podcast. The John Templeton Foundation.
Büssing, A., Kloke, M. & Gerundt, M. (2025). Unmet spiritual needs, spiritual wellbeing and support satisfaction of end-of-life patients: Findings from a spiritual and existential care training program (SpECi) for health care practitioners within inpatient geriatric care, palliative care units and hospices. Journal of Religion & Health.
Chittister, J. (2012). God our father, God our mother: In search of the Divine Feminine . In Schaaf, K., Lindahl, K., Hurley, K., & Cheen, G. (Eds.), Women, spirituality, & transformative leadership: Where grace meets power (pp. 60-71). Woodstock, Vt: Skylight Paths Publishing.
Cohen, A., & Falkenberg, T. (2023). Inner work: Foundational to holistic & contemplative education. Journal of Contemplative & Holistic Education, 1 (2).
Connolly, M., & Timmons, F. (2022). Experiences related to patients and families’ expression of spiritual needs or spiritual support within healthcare settings during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A scoping review. Journal of Religion & Health, 61(3): 2141–2167. doi: 10.1007/s10943-022-01556-y
Cull, I., Hancock, R.L.A., McKeown, S., Pidgeon, M. & Vedan, A. (2018). Indigenous ways of knowing and being. In Pulling together: A guide for Indigenization of post-secondary institutions. Victoria, BC.
Dahr, N., & Yadav, A. (2023). Spiritual health: The fourth dimension of health. International Journal of Science and Research.
Gill, C., Packer, J., & Ballantyne, R. (2019). Spiritual retreats as a restorative destination: Design factors facilitating restorative outcomes. Annals of Tourism Research, 79, 102761.
Fortney, L. (2023). Recommending meditation. In D. Rakel & V. Minichiello (Eds.) Integrative Medicine (5th ed.) Elsevier.
Good, M. (2024). Truth telling: Seven conversations about Indigenous life in Canada. Harper Perennial.
Grain, K. (2022). Critical hope: How to grapple with complexity, lead with purpose, and cultivate transformative social change. North Atlantic Books.
Henke, D. (2021). Spiritual abuse: Recovery workbook. Watchman Fellowship.
Hewson, P., & Rowald, J. (2012). Do spiritual ceremonies affect participants’ quality of life? A pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 18(3), 177-181.
Hewson, P., Rowold, J., Sichler, C., & Walter, W. (2014). Are healing ceremonies useful for enhancing quality of life? Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 20(9):713-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2013.0248. PMID: 24842541.
Jenkinson, G. (2023). Walking free from the trauma of coercive, cultic, and spiritual abuse: A workbook for recovery and growth. Routledge.
Koenig, H. (2013). Spirituality in patient care: Why, how, when, and what (3rd ed.) Templeton Press.
Kram, N. (2021). Restorative practices of well-being. Applied Mindfulness.
King, B., Conklin, Q., Zanesco, P., & Saron, C. (2019). Residential meditation retreats: Their role in contemplative practice and significance for psychological research. Current Opinion in Psychology, 28, 238-244.
Lampton, L. (2024). The healing power of arts in healthcare professionals. The Pulse: Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 4(4).
Lasair, S. (2021). HAVE-H: Five attitudes for a narratively grounded and embodied spirituality. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counselling, 75(1), 13-22.
Littman-Ovadia, H., David, A. (2020) Character strengths as manifestations of spiritual life: Realizing the non-dual from the dual. Frontiers of Psychology,11, 960. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00960. PMID: 32528371.
Manitowabi, S. (2018). The seven grandfather teachings. Historical and contemporary realities: Movement toward reconciliation, 112.
Meade, M. (n.d.) Living myth podcast series.
Nadeau, D. (2020). Unsettling spirit: A journey into decolonization. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Naidoo, D., Schembri A.. & Cohen M. (2018). The health impact of residential retreats: A systematic review. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 18(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-2078-4. PMID: 29316909.
National Institute of Health. (n.d.) Native voice: The key role of ceremony.
Plante, T. G. (Ed.). (2010). Contemplative practices in action: Spirituality, meditation, and health. Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
Parasram, A., & Khasnablish, A. (2022). Frequently asked white questions. Fernwood Publishing.
Peng-Keller, S., Winiger, F., & Rauch, R. (2022). The spirit of global health: The World Health Organization and the ‘spiritual dimension’ of health, 1946-2021 . Oxford Academic.
Prairie Jubilee Program for Spiritual Formation and Direction. 2007-2010 Cycle. University of Winnipeg, Canada.
Puchalski, C., Ferrell, B., Virani, R., Otis-Green, S., Baird, P., Bull, J. … Sulmasy, D. (2009). Improving the quality of spiritual care as a dimension of palliative care: The report of the Consensus Conference. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12(10), 885-903
Rich,T., Chrisinger, B., Kaimal R., Winter S., Hedlin H, Min, Y., Zhao, X, Zhu, S., You, S., Sun, C., Lin J., Hsing A., & Heaney C. (2022). Contemplative practices behavior Is positively associated with well-being in three global multi-regional Stanford WELL for Life Cohorts. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 19(20):13485. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192013485. PMID: 36294068.
Rickets, R. (2022). Do better: Spiritual activism for fighting and healing from white supremacy. Atria.
Rindfleisch, J. (2023). Forgiveness. In D. Rakel & V. Minichiello (Eds.) Integrative medicine (5th ed.) Elsevier.
Scott Barss, K. (1999). Healing images: Reflections on a healing journey. Granny Ranch Publishing.
Scott Barss, K. (2005). Spirit songs: Sacred imagery for healing. Granny Ranch Publishing.
Scott Barss, K. (2012a). T.R.U.S.T.: An affirming model for inclusive spiritual care. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30(1), 24-34.
Scott Barss K. (2012b). Building bridges: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of nurse educators’ clinical experience using the T.R.U.S.T. Model for inclusive spiritual care. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 9, 1-17.
Scott Barss, K., Clarke-Arnault, V., & McDonald, S. (2019). Spirituality and nursing: Presence and promise. In D.
Gregory, C. Raymond Seniuk, & L. Patrick (Eds.), Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of
Canadian Nursing (2nd ed., pp. 1229-1263). Wolters.
Scott Barss K. (2020). Spiritual care in holistic nursing education: A spirituality and health elective rooted in T.R.U.S.T. and contemplative education. Journal of Holist ic Nursing, 38(1):122-130.
Scott Barss, K. (2025). Integrative health care: A handbook for practice. Simple Book Publishing.
Scruggs-Hussein, T. (2024a). Mindfulness for racial healing.
Scruggs-Hussein, T. (2024b.). Uncovering your racial bias: Mindfulness practices for growth and healing.
Shelly, J., & Fish, S. (1988). What are spiritual needs? Spiritual care: The nurse’s role. (3rd ed.), pp. 35- 54. Intervarsity
Smith, W., & Zhang, P. (2011). A spiritual getaway: Motivations, experiences and benefits of a silent retreat. In R. Piedmont & A. Village (Eds.). Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 22. NV, Leiden, Netherlands: Koninkliike Brill, 1-24.Press.
Simington, J. (2004). Listening to soul pain. Author (Video).
Sinclair, M., Sinclair, M., Sinclair, N. (2024). Who we are: Four questions for a life and a nation. McClelland & Stuart.
Stonechild, B. (2016). The knowledge keeper: Embracing Indigenous spirituality. Regina: SK. University of Regina Press.
Stonechild, B. (2020). Loss of Indigenous Eden and the fall of spirituality. University of Regina Press.
Stonechild, B. (2021). Embracing Indigenous Spirituality ( . Indigenous Education National Centre for Collaboration.
Stripp, T., Wehberg, S., Bussing, A., Koenig, H., Balboni, T., VanderWheele, T. (2023). Spiritual needs in Denmark: A population-based cross-sectional survey linked to Danish national registers. The Lancet: Regional Health (Europe), 28.
The Lancet (Editorial). (2023). Time to integrate spiritual needs in health care. The Lancet: Regional Health(Europe), 28.
Tippett, K. (n.d.) On Being with Krista Tippett | The On Being Project. Fetzer Institute. (Archived Podcasts)
Veukalich, J. (2023). The Seven Generations and the Seven Grandfather Teachings. Author.
Whitecomb, H. (2006). Practicing your path: A book of retreats for an intentional life. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress.
Winkeljohn, S., & Klinger, K. (2022). Building spiritual strength: A spiritually integrated approach to treating moral injury. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 9(4):313-320. doi: 10.1007/s40501-022-00276-0. PMID: 36466719.
Wright, L., & Bell, J. (2021). Illness beliefs: The heart of healing in families and individuals (3rd ed.) 4th Floor Press.
Wuthrich-Grossenbacher, R. (2024). The need to widen the concept of health and to include the spiritual dimension. International Journal of Public Health, 69.
Note: A wide variety of spirituality resources focused on specific health and life issues is also available. Your library can assist with accessing those that speak to your experiences and align with your worldview. You may also wish to contact the author for specific leads: