
NURS 1679 Clinical Decision Making for AAP

NURS 1679 Clinical Decision Making for Additional Authorized Practice

Course Description

Students consolidate health assessment and pharmacology competencies in a 200-hour clinical practice education experience. Amalgamated with the practicum, students continue to  review theory using Clinical Decision Tools applied in the context of collaborative, additional authorized registered nurse practice.

*Approved by the CRNS for RN Additional Authorized Practice. This course requires successful completion of NURS 225 Health Assessment and PHAR 271 Clinical Drug Therapy with an overall progression grade of 70% to register.  

Course Objectives

  1. Professional Accountability
    1. Describe professional responsibility and accountability for additional authorized practice (Standard I and Standard V)
    2. Practice in accordance with the values of the current CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (Standard III).
  2. Collaboration
    1. Relate socio-economic determinants of health and risk factors to the additional authorized practice setting (Standard IV).
    2. Examine cultural safety
    3. Collaborate with patients, family and other health care workers to provide appropriate health care. (Standard IV)
  3. Gathering Evidence
    1. Use reliable and diverse sources of knowledge to ensure sound decision-making (Standard I and Standard II)
    2. Utilize clinical decision tools to develop treatment plans (Standard II)
    3. Utilize illness scripts to improve diagnoses (Standard II)
    4. Document appropriate history and physical examination (Standard I, Standard II, Standard III, and Standard V)
  4. Examine therapeutic interpersonal communication (Standard II & IV)
    1. Examine motivational interviewing techniques and the stages of change.
    2. Incorporate cultural safety into practice
  5. Perform Procedures (Standard II, III, & V)
  6. Application-Common Conditions covered by Clinical Decision Tools (Standard II)


Additional Authorized Practice (AAP) Preceptor Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic. All Rights Reserved.