Female Genitalia and Rectal System

Assessment – Female Genitalia and Rectal System


  • Gloves,
  • Gown
  • Drape
  • Lubricant
  • Speculum for the vaginal exam
  • Light source
  • Cytology collection kit (if completing pap smear)


  • Inspect the mons pubis, labia majora and minora for redness, swelling, lesions
  • Inspect perineum for hair distribution
  • Using your dominant gloved hand, gently separate the labia and urethral meatus for developmental abnormalities, discharge, lesions, warts, and abscess
  • Inspect the clitoris and vestibule for size, colour, lesions, discoloration and masses
  • Inspect the perineum for swelling, ulcers, warts or colour changes
  • Inspect the urethral opening for position
  • Inspect the vaginal opening for protrusions, discharge, inflammation


  • Palpate the Bartholin glands for tenderness, enlargement, and discharge
  • Bimanual exam



Bimanual and Rectovaginal Exam

Examination Checklist

Documenting Assessment Findings

The external genitalia or vulva was normally developed with no external lesions or rashes; tissues were pink and moist. The vagina and cervix show no lesions, inflammation, discharge, or tenderness. There was no noted pelvic prolapse with strong muscle support on the client’s contraction of the vaginal walls. Cervical os sat midline, no masses or tenderness noted to the Fornices, no adnexal tenderness present on a bi-manual exam, no abnormal or strong vaginal odors noted; rectovaginal exam not indicated.


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Physical Assessment Essentials for Health Sciences Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Ivy Poulin NP, DNP, CDE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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