
Practice Education Procedures

CNPP students are expected to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities of advanced practice nursing skills and procedures throughout their practice education experiences. Students perform procedures with the understanding that:

  1. NP student involvement in clinical procedures and skills are under the direction of the approved preceptor.
  2. NP students may only practice under the guidance of the preceptor.
  3. The preceptor is responsible for any service provided by the NP student.
  4. The preceptor must co-sign all documentation related to procedures.
  5. NP students may perform procedures under the guidance of a preceptor including:
    • Skin and wound management: minor puncture wounds, animal and human bites, minor burns, soft tissue foreign body removal including fishhook removal, simple wound closure.
    • Management of nail and nailbed conditions: ingrown toenails, subungual hematoma, paronychia.
    • Incision and drainage procedures: subcutaneous abscess, pilonidal cysts, Bartholin’s cysts, obtaining specimens for culture and sensitivity.
    • Examination of treatment of common eye conditions: foreign body removal, chemical substance irrigation.
    • Examination of treatment of common ear conditions: cerumen removal, foreign body removal.
    • Examination and treatment of common reproductive conditions: pap smear, vaginal/rectal examinations.

Students or preceptors should contact the Clinical Faculty if the procedure is not listed.


Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP) Preceptor Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic. All Rights Reserved.