
Practice Education Evaluation Process

The student, preceptor, and Clinical Faculty are required to participate in the practice education evaluation. The practice education evaluation is specific to each CNPP Practice Education course and addresses specific course objectives.

  1. Before the practice education experience begins Clinical Faculty will contact the preceptor via email. Practice education course objectives and CNPP Practice Education Performance Indicators are provided.
  2. Students will provide the preceptor a copy of all required feedback forms.
  3. Students will review their Template Individual Development Plan with the preceptor within the first 16 hours of practice education experience with the exception of MNUR 802. The Individual Development Plans are to help facilitate practice education experiences and the students self-identified learning gaps.
  4. The student will arrange a three-way midterm evaluation with the preceptor, Clinical Faculty and student. Additional touchpoints will be organized as needed.
  5. The preceptor is encouraged to contact the Clinical Faculty at any time during the experience if they have any concerns.



Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP) Preceptor Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic. All Rights Reserved.