
Vision, Mission, Values and Curriculum Framework

The CNPP defines advanced nursing practice as an advanced level of clinical nursing practice that maximizes the use of graduate-level educational preparation; in-depth nursing knowledge; and expertise in meeting the health needs of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021). This involves analyzing and synthesizing knowledge; understanding, interpreting, and applying nursing theory and research; and developing advancing nursing knowledge and the profession (College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan [CRNS], 2017 & Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).

CNPP Vision, Mission, and Values


Leaders and innovators in nurse practitioner education (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).


To anticipate and respond to changing nursing roles and health system needs by preparing graduates to demonstrate leadership and excellence in practice, research, education, and administration (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).


  • Relational Ethics. Creating an ethical, caring space in understanding the patient’s unique life context, including values, beliefs, needs, and wants.
  • Patient Safety. Preventing and mitigating unsafe acts within the health care system to assist patients to achieve an optimum level of health.
  • Cultural Safety. Examining the complex, historical, political, social, cultural, and economic structures that influence health, social relations, practice, and power relationships. Moves the nurse practitioner from not knowing to know.
  • Collaboration. Developing a unique relationship with patients and other inter-professional care providers to provide optimum patient care. This ensures continuity of care by collaborating with other providers to ensure the patient’s needs are met when a concern is identified outside the nurse practitioner’s scope.
  • Scholarship. Encourages continuous inquiry and reflection which underlies any action or decision which includes discovery, teaching, service and application, and integration.
  • Innovation. Fostering an environment in which new ideas, approaches, solutions, and actions can emerge (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).

At the inception of the CNPP the “Strong Model of Advanced Practice Nursing” was recognized as valuable and reliable in interpreting the dimensions of advanced practice nursing role in a modern international health service (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021) however the language did not reflect the Saskatchewan/Canadian context. Thus, the model was adapted to create the Saskatchewan Nursing Advanced Practice (SNAP) Conceptual Framework (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).

The core concepts of the SNAP Conceptual Framework portray the Saskatchewan health system context, recent literature, and the expertise of the CNPP faculty. The concepts are consistent with the NP Entry-Level Competencies (ELC)s, CRNS 2017 and academic and clinical domains for advanced nursing practice as set by the Canadian Nurses Association (2019). The guiding principles from the Strong Model, Canadian Advanced Practice competencies, Saskatchewan and Canadian healthcare context, and NP entry-level Competencies (ELC)s CRNS, 2017 were incorporated to reflect the SNAP Conceptual Framework for the curricular and program design of the CNPP (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021). The SNAP Conceptual Framework reflects the nurse practitioner’s national and provincial entry-level competencies and standards.

Saskatchewan Nursing Advanced Practice (SNAP) Conceptual Framework


The SNAP conceptual framework guides nurse practitioner student education and practice education experiences. CNPP students accepted into the program have demonstrated competence in registered nursing practice and recognize the core concepts central to nursing practice. The CNPP builds on these core concepts including primary health care, population health, collaboration, caring, communication, evidence-informed practice, critical inquiry, information literacy, leadership, ethical practice, professionalism, and safety (Sask Nursing Degrees, 2021).





Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP) Preceptor Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic. All Rights Reserved.