
Patient Safety/Critical Incident Reporting


Adverse Event – any adverse outcome for a patient, including an injury or complication directly associated with the care or services provided to a patient (The Canadian Patient Safety Dictionary, 2003).

Critical Incident – an incident resulting in serious harm (loss of life, limb, or vital organ); there is a need for immediate investigation and response (The Canadian Patient Safety Dictionary, 2003).

Near Miss – an event that could have adverse consequences, but did not (Institute of Medicine, 2004).

Procedure if an Incident Occurs

Adverse events, near miss and critical incidents, will be reported using the agency critical incident forms and to the faculty.

  1. Adverse events, near miss and critical incidents will be reported using the agency critical incident forms and to the Clinical Faculty.
  2. Clinical Faculty will complete the CNPP Incident Report Tracking Adverse Event, Critical Incident, Near Miss.
  3. If the student is completing a placement in Saskatchewan and sustains a workplace injury refer to the process found in the form below. This must be completed within 3 days of the injury.


Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP) Preceptor Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic. All Rights Reserved.