77 Accessibility of Pressbooks

Last update: Aug 12/22

Pressbooks has stated their commitment to ensuring their software is accessible to all people using the tool, whether they are creators or readers.

Commitment to accessibility

See “Accessibility – Pressbooks” to read Pressbooks’ commitment to accessibility and review their most recent VPAT (Voluntary Product Assessment Template), which describes the accessibility of the platform.

Accessibility features for Pressbooks users

Pressbooks provides a number of accessibility features to support people who are using Pressbooks to create or adapt content.

Pressbooks icon.See “Use Accessibility Features Provided by Pressbooks” in the Pressbooks User Guide.


Creating accessible content in Pressbooks

To learn more about how to create accessible content when authoring in Pressbooks, see the Accessibility Toolkit.

It covers the basics of making digital educational materials accessible and includes guidelines for how to apply that to Pressbooks.


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Sask Polytechnic Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2016-2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, / BCCampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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