65 Export Files

Last update: Jul 24/23

Typical OER Textbook Formats, Requirements, Features and Access Option

Book Format Requirements Features Access Options


Online web book
  • Internet Access
  • Web Browser
  • Optimized for online access (web browser)
  • Embedded interactive and text-based activities
  • Embedded videos
  • Embedded glossary terms
  • Read online with your device or assistive technology
  • Use text-to-speech to listen to the book
  • Take digital notes while you read.
Digital PDF
  • Internet access
  • PDF viewer
  • Optimized for reading with internet (PDF viewer)
  • Text-based activities
  • Clickable Links to videos and other resources
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Save to a device or drive as desired.
  • Access from your device with/without internet
  • Use internet access for clickable links/videos
  • Take digital notes while you read.
Print PDF
  • Internet access for initial download
  • PDF viewer to open file
  • Ability to print or access to a print shop (recommended)
  • Optimized for printing/accessing offline
  • Text-based activities
  • Glossary of terms.
  • Save to a device or drive as desired.
  • Read offline on device (no active / clickable links)
  • Print chapters or whole book as needed.
  • Refer back to web book to access links/interactive activities.

Pressbooks allows you to export a book into different file formats. We recommend exporting all of the “Supported formats.”

Pressbooks icon.

For more information, see Export in the Pressbooks User Guide.


Review Your Exported Files

Sometimes things might look one way in the webbook and another way in the PDF file. As such, we recommend you export your book regularly while you work to ensure things are displaying how you want them to. You should do this for both the PDF and the EPUB files.

Customize PDF exports

Pressbooks icon.

For more information, see Produce PDF Exports in the Pressbooks User Guide.

Customize EPUB exports

Pressbooks icon.

For more information, see Produce EPUB Exports in the Pressbooks User Guide.

Validation Errors

Pressbooks icon.

For more information, see Fix Validation Errors in the Pressbooks User Guide.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Sask Polytechnic Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2016-2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, / BCCampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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