67 Pressbooks Directory

Last update: Jul 14/22

The Pressbooks Directory is a tool that allows you to search and filter through all public books that have been published on any Pressbooks network. All Pressbooks books that are public on pressbooks.saskpolytech.ca will appear in the Pressbooks Directory unless the administrator for that book opts out.

How to use the Pressbooks Directory

Pressbooks icon.See Find Books on the Pressbooks Directory in the Pressbooks User Guide.

How to exclude a book from the Pressbooks Directory

Pressbooks icon.See How to Opt Out of the Pressbooks Directory in the Pressbooks User Guide.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Sask Polytechnic Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2016-2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, / BCCampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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