Book Title: OER by Subject Directory

Subtitle: An OER reference listed by subject area and School/Program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Author: Donna Thiessen

Book Description: The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Open Education OER by Discipline Directory lists a wide range of open educational resources (OER) organized by academic programs available at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that, through permissions granted by the copyright holder, allow others to use, distribute, keep, or make changes to them. This directory is updated as new resources are identified.

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information

Book Description

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Open Education OER by Discipline Directory lists a wide range of open educational resources organized by academic programs available at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that, through permissions granted by the copyright holder, allow others to use, distribute, keep, or make changes to them. This directory is updated as new resources are identified.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of OER by Discipline Directory by Edited by Lauri M. Aesoph and Josie Gray, published using Pressbooks by BCcampus under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.


Donna Thiessen


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

OER by Subject Directory Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.




OER by Subject Directory
Donna Thiessen

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

OER by Subject Directory Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

© 2022 Saskatchewan Polytechnic for parts. The original content is ©2018 BC Campus.

The CC licence permits you to retain, reuse, copy, redistribute, and revise this book — in whole or in part — for free, providing the author is attributed as follows:

The  Open Education OER by Discipline Guide: Saskatchewan Polytechnic by Donna Thiessen is used under a CC BY 4.0 licence.

If you redistribute all or part of this directory, it is recommended the following statement be added to the copyright page so readers can access the original at no cost:

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This textbook can be referenced. In APA style, it should appear as follows:

Thiessen, D.  (2022). OER by Discipline Guide: Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Retrieved from https://pressbooks.saskpolytech.caoerdiscipline/

Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Publication Date
September 2, 2022