69 Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy & Physiology I and II with Lab: These documents map OER (curated by librarians and vetted for content and alignment by subject matter experts) to specific outcomes/competencies or items for these courses (BIO 201 and BIO 202, Colorado).
Last update: Sep 23/24


AnatomyTool by various (various CC licences).

A collection of documents, images, videos, and interactive activities related to anatomy.


Anatomy & Physiology I & II by Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University (CC BY-NC-SA).

This course focuses on a few themes that, when taken together, provide a full view of what the human body is capable of and of the exciting processes going on inside of it. The themes are:

  • Structure and function of the body, and the connection between the two.
  • Homeostasis, the body’s natural tendency to maintain a stable internal environment.
  • Levels of Organization, the major levels of organization in the human organism from the chemical and cellular levels to the tissues, organs and organ systems.
  • Integration of Systems, concerning which systems are subsets of larger systems, and how they function together in harmony and conflict.

Atlas of Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy  by various (Lumen/SUNY) .

The majority of entries in this atlas were produced by students including dissection, photography, and identification. It is a work in progress, but we hope that students of anatomy find this a useful tool for studying anatomy outside of the lab.


Anatomy Illustrations by Alice Roberts (CC BY).

A collection of almost 300 anatomy illustrations by an instructor with over twenty years experience teaching anatomy.

This is a Canadian created resourceAnatomy Video and Imagery Diversity Project Project Leads: Heather Jamniczky, Dave Andrews,  Sarah Anderson and Lian Willetts (CC-BY-NC).

This database of original images and videos that properly showcase the range of human diversity and that are of sufficient detail and quality to support excellent anatomical teaching across multiple disciplines and levels of learner expertise. We aim to better represent the diversity of people in the population by reflecting different genders, people of different skin tones, body sizes, and compositions, and to provide access to resources that are currently severely lacking in higher education.

Biology 351 – Anatomical Illustrations by Corrina L. Most, Katherine Tran, Olivia Seweryn, and Graham Hagan,(CC-BY-NC-SA).

These anatomical illustrations were created by Biological and Pre-Medical Illustration (BPMI) students from Iowa State University. The students worked closely with the lab instructor to develop detailed anatomical illustrations of the specimens studied in the lab.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Clinical Anatomy by various (CC BY-NC-SA).

A collection of videos, interactive modules, anatomical illustrations, interactive radiology, and other media for clinical anatomy.

The Visible Human Project by National Library of Medicine (Public domain).

The NLM Visible Human Project® has created publicly-available, complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of a human male body and a human female body. Specifically, the VHP provides a public-domain library of cross-sectional cryosection, CT, and MRI images obtained from one male cadaver and one female cadaver.


Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Lab Manual by Curt Walker (CC BY-NC-SA).

This is a collection of 11 vertebrate physiology labs for upper-division biology laboratory courses. The manual is highly adaptable, suitable for nearly any comparative vertebrate physiology lab course, using any textbook or no textbook at all. The experiments can be adapted to suit nearly any environment in which the course is taught. The materials and equipment needed are inexpensive for the most part, and commonly available in university departments of biology.

Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual by Carly Manz (CC BY).

This laboratory manual is meant to be used in a lab course that accompanies a college-level introductory human anatomy course. It covers the language of anatomy, cells and tissues, and the organ systems that comprise the human body. Multiple open textbooks were adapted to create this lab manual. Attribution for these sources are provided at the end of each chapter.

Human Anatomy Lab Manual by Malgosia Wilk-Blaszczak (CC BY).

This is a lab manual for a college-level human anatomy course. The activities in this manual encourage students to engage with new vocabulary in many ways, including grouping key terms, matching terms to structures, recalling definitions, and written exercises. Most of the activities in this manual utilize anatomical models, and several dissections of animal tissues and histological examinations are also included. Each unit includes both pre- and post-lab questions and six lab exercises designed for a classroom where students move from station to station. The vocabulary terms used in each unit are listed at the end of the manual and serve as a checklist for practicals.

UGA Laboratory Manual for Functional Human Anatomy by Rob Nichols (CC BY).

The manual contains the following labs:

  • Introduction to Anatomical Terminology
  • Back: Skeletal Framework
  • Back Muscles
  • Skeletal Framework of the Upper Limb
  • Muscles of the Upper Limb
  • Skeletal Framework of the Lower Limb
  • Skeletal Framework of the Thorax
  • Body Cavities and Mesenteries

Supplementary Materials

Also see Images

Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Manual by DeLoris Hesse and  Daniel McNabney (CC BY).

This lab manual was created for Anatomy and Physiology I at the University of Georgia. The manual contains labs on cells, histology, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the nervous system, muscles, and the senses.

Anatomy & Physiology by Lindsay M. Biga; Staci Bronson; Sierra Dawson; Amy Harwell; Robin Hopkins; Joel Kaufmann; Mike LeMaster; Philip Matern; Katie Morrison-Graham; et al. (CC-BY-SA).

An adapted and revised edition of the OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology (https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology) with revised content and artwork, Open Oregon State, Oregon State University.

Anatomy Quizbook by Kerry G. Baker (CC BY-NC-ND).

A series of carefully selected questions addressing core learning in clinically relevant anatomy. It provides the opportunity for both pre-med and medical students to improve their knowledge of anatomy, as well as their performance in tests and examinations.

Atlas of Comparative Anatomy by Roosa, Kristen et al  (CC BY).

This atlas began as a class project at SUNY Oneonta in 2017 because of the lack of a comprehensive freely-accessible photographic atlas. The majority of entries in this atlas were produced by students including dissection, photography, and identification. It is a work in progress. The online version is available through Lumen Learning.

Human Anatomy Self-Assessment Review Questions by Michael Nolan and John McNamara (CC BY).

Human anatomy is one of the foundational disciplines in the training of health care professionals. Knowledge of human structure at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels serves as a framework for the study of normal function and dysfunction. This workbook presents a series of questions related to a particular area of anatomy. Answers to those questions are included at the end of the book. This approach to self-assessment in basic human anatomy will be helpful to students in preparing for clinical-based learning activities as well as for other types of knowledge assessment and evaluation.

Introduction to the Brain by Lorna Camus and Agniete Pocyte, adapted by Kay Douglas and Andrew Ferguson (CC BY).

This resource includes an introductory information pack for high school students and an activity with printable materials. It addresses the following learning outcomes: Name and locate the different lobes of the brain, understand the functions of each brain, and their real-life applications, actively work in a team with a common goal, and understand the implications of brain damage, such as the case of Phineas Gage.


Anatomical Basis of Injury  by Layci Harrison (CC BY).

An adaptation of Anatomy and Physiology (OpenStax) designed to supplement an Anatomical Basis of Injury in Athletic Training course while providing review of basic Anatomy and Physiology.

Anatomy and Physiology by Lindsay M. Biga, Staci Bronson, Sierra Dawson, Amy Harwell, Robin Hopkins, Joel Kaufmann, Mike LeMaster, Philip Matern, et al. and OpenStax (CC BY-SA).

A foundational anatomy textbook organized by body systems with a focus on inclusive and equitable instruction.  As of Jan, 2024 it has had 2.7 million page views and 1.8 million visitors and 16,000 downloads.

Applied Human Anatomy by Michael Nolan and John McNamara (CC-BY).

Applied Human Anatomy was created to better integrate material that is more often than not treated separately in contemporary health care curricula. It is hoped that through this integration students will develop a deeper and more lasting knowledge and understanding of human anatomy as they are likely to need it in the evaluation and management of patients.

Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism by Lawrence Davis (CC BY-NC-SA).

This textbook sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which fundamental physics topics are introduced. Related practice, reinforcement and Lab activities are included.

Douglas College Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4th ed.) by Douglas College Biology Department. edited by  Jennifer Barker, Casper De Villiers, and Todd Harper (CC-BY).

This textbook is a project under development by our Biology faculty to ultimately provide students with all the factual information they need to succeed in the BIOL 1203 and BIOL 1209 courses at Douglas College in BC, Canada.

Functional MRI: Basic principles by caolman (CC-BY).

The overall course is broken into 3 sections:

  • basic physics of magnetic resonance imaging: excitation, relaxation, gradients, and contrast
  • some applied details to think of when scanning people: safety, distortion, parallel imaging for speed
  • finally, specific fMRI details: neurohemodynamic coupling, different kinds of contrast, signal-to-noise vs. contrast-to-noise ratio, and experiment design.

A Mixed Course-Based Research Approach to Human Physiology by Karri Haen Whitmer (CC BY-SA).

This book was written for the Biology 256 Laboratory course at Iowa State University. It was designed to provide students with hands-on access to modern techniques in human physiological analyses using the course-based research pedagogical approach.


Anatomy and Physiology Videos by Jason C (CC BY).

A collection of YouTube playlists on different anatomy topics including anatomy of the senses, nervous system anatomy, muscle anatomy, appendicular skeleton anatomy, and axial skeleton anatomy.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Clinical Anatomy by various (CC BY-NC-SA).

A collection of videos, interactive modules, anatomical illustrations, interactive radiology, and other media for clinical anatomy.


This is a British Columbia created resource.Functional Neuroanatomy by various (CC BY-NC-SA).

This website includes photographs, diagrams, illustrations, video tutorials, MRI scans, and 3D reconstructions of functionally important parts of the human brain.

The Brain from Top to Bottom This is a Canadian created resourceby various (Copyleft) .

An interactive website about the human brain and behaviour.

Media Attributions


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OER by Subject Directory Copyright © 2022 by Saskatchewan Polytechnic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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