

Last update: Apr 11/23


Arabic and English Sentence Patters: A Comparative Guide (CC BY-NC)

This text explores verb time, tense, aspect, and mood through comparison of Arabic and English sentence patterns. It includes examples of the Arabic patterns from classical and popular sources so Arabic students can learn by explanation and example how to formulate cohesive and grammatically correct sentence structure. While this guide is intended mainly for English-speaking students studying Arabic, the charts also provide a quick reference of English sentence patterns for Arabic speakers. The book is designed as a supplement.

Elementary Arabic I (CC BY)

This is an open textbook on Beginner Arabic for undergraduate students who are taking Arabic in their first semester. It addresses letters and sounds of Arabic along with basic skills in reading, speaking and writing. The book can be used as a self-study resource or as the main textbook in beginning Arabic classes.

Elementary Arabic II (CC BY)

This is an open textbook on Elementary Arabic for undergraduate students who are taking Arabic in their second semester. It addresses language structures in theme-based modules that cover the four language skills. The book can be used as a self-study resource or as the main textbook in beginning Arabic classes.

From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s Guide for Transitioning into Colloquial Arabic (CC-BY-NC)

This Pressbooks version includes sentence structure errors in tables because both English and Arabic are used in the same sentences, and this content cannot be correctly interpreted by your web browser. Any table reuse needs to be done from the Word or PDF versions.

Let’s Chat! Arabic (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Let’s Chat! Arabic features a collection of over 28 interpersonal speaking activities for novice and intermediate learners. Touching on a range of thematic topics such as greetings, daily routines, health, eating out, holidays and so much more, Arabic teachers are sure to find an activity to use in their courses.

جاوااسکریپت شیوا: Eloquent Javascript – 2nd edition (CC BY-NC)

An Arabic translation of the 2nd edition of Eloquent Javascript.



Math and science videos for high school classes in Arabic.


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