
175 Automotive

Donna Thiessen and Jennifer Baetz

Last update: Jan 29/24


Merlot Skills Commons by various (licenses vary).

A word of warning about this site – some of what you find here is useless – for example, a document that describes what they are going to build rather than actual course materials. However, it is the archive of record for CTE and if you dig with specific keywords there is useful content.


Diesel Drivetrain Systems  by Thul, Travis (CC BY).

This course covers theory and operation of all drive system components including manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, clutches, drivelines and differentials. Other studies include component troubleshooting, inspecting, service, repair operations, removal, replacement and preventive maintenance practices.

Electric and Conventional Vehicles (Chalmers University of Technology by Sven Andersson and Anders Grauers (MOOC)

“In this course, you will learn how electric and conventional combustion engine powertrains are built and how they work. You will learn methods to calculate their performance and energy consumption and how to simulate them in different driving cycles. You will also learn about the basic function, the main limits and the losses of:
– Combustion engines,
– Transmissions
– Electric machines,
– Power electronics
– Batteries.”

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Preventative Maintenance and Repair (Skills Commons) by  Tablo, Gordon (CC BY)

“This course is designed to familiarize the student with hybrid and electric vehicle safety, hybrid internal combustion engines (ICE), regenerative braking systems, high voltage climate control system, power inverter and battery pack cooling systems, high voltage analysis tools used, high voltage safety systems, and 12 volt systems used in hybrid and electric vehicles. Hands-on application to safety disconnect, use of high voltage analysis tools to perform basic checks, and perform service and preventive maintenance on hybrid and electric vehicles.” — website


The International Journal of Automotive Engineering  (licenses vary).

“The International Journal of Automotive Engineering (IJAE) is an Open Access journal publishing rigorous theoretical and applied research in all areas of automotive engineering. The official journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., IJAE welcomes submissions from around the world.” — website

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (CC-BY).

“The International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology is a high quality multidisciplinary open access journal which publishes blind peer reviewed original research articles. The journal includes a wide range of fields related with automotive technologies and creates a platform for researchers to make their contribution to automotive science.” — website

Journal of Advances in Vehicle Engineering (CC-BY).

“The Journal of Advances in Vehicle Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed journal of analytical, computational and experimental studies of engineering problems related to all road, rail, and other land-based vehicles. The journal is open-access and is published Quarterly. Language of the Journal is American English.” — website

Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles  (CC-BY).<

“The Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (JICV) publishes peer review research covering all aspects of intelligent and connected vehicles (ICVs) technology, in association with the State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy based at Tsinghua University.” — website

World Electric Vehicle Journal  (licenses vary).

“World Electric Vehicle Journal is the first peer-reviewed international scientific journal that covers all studies related to battery, hybrid, and fuel cell electric vehicles comprehensively. It is the official journal of The World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA) and its member the European Association for e-Mobility (AVERE), the Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), and the Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific (EVAAP).” — website


The Best of Car Talk by NPR (podcasts are subject to copyright but links may be included).

“Car Talk was a call-in radio talk show that aired on NPR from 1977 to 2012. Today, NPR continues to re-publish old episodes as weekly podcasts. Its hosts, Tom and Ray Magliozzi (AKA Click and Clack), a pair of brothers and mechanics who are as funny as they are handy, won over enthusiasts and regular everyday drivers alike with their combination of down-to-earth humour and approachable shop talk.” — Driving.ca review

CarStuff (podcasts are subject to copyright but links may be included).

“Hosted by the expert educators at HowStuffWorks.com, CarStuff takes a deep dive into a different automotive topic each week. Episodes include more auto-heavy topics like “how pedestrian safety shapes your car” and more general interest stuff like “the surprising history of the crime of jaywalking.”” — Driving.ca review<

Everyday Driver (podcasts are subject to copyright but links may be included).

“Hosts Todd Deeken and Paul Schmucker are on a mission to make the average person care about their car with Everyday Driver. What began as a YouTube series has since transformed into a weekly and sometimes twice-a-week podcast that touches on car news, as well as answers listeners most pressing questions, like “Is my two-seater car a suitable winter drive?” and “If I land a new job, should I immediately buy myself a new car?”” — Driving.ca review

Line A: Safe Work Practices  by Camosun College  (CC BY).

Safe Work Practices Competency A-1: Control Workplace Hazards  by Rod Lidstone (CC BY).


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