
102 Justice Studies

Intro to Criminal Justice: This document maps OER (curated by librarians and vetted for content and alignment by subject matter experts) to specific outcomes/competencies or items for this course (CRJ 110, Colorado).
Last update: Aug 7/23


Criminal Justice Resources by various (Various CC licences).

A collection of open resources curated by Houston Community College Libraries relating to different topics in criminal justice.


Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society by various (various licenses) . 

International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences  by various (CC BY-NC-SA).

International Journal of Cyber Criminology  by various (CC BY-NC-SA).

Journal of Prison Education and Reentry by various (various licenses).

Journal of Strategic Security (JSS)  by various (various).

“The Journal provides a multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion of strategic security issues drawing from the fields of global security, international relations, intelligence, terrorism and counterterrorism studies, among others.” — website


This is a Canadian created resourceCommunications in Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System by Steve McCartney and Cindy Patterson (Justice Institute of British Columbia) (CC BY-NC-SA)

Decolonization and Justice: An Introductory Overview by Muhammad Asadullah, Charmine Cortez, Geena Holding, Hamza Said, Jenna Smith, Kayla Schick, Kudzai Mudyara, Megan Korchak, Nicola Kimber, Noor Shawush, Stephanie Dyck (CC-BY).

This textbook emerged from the undergraduate students’ final assignment in JS-419 on Advanced Seminar in Criminal Justice at the University of Regina’s Department of Justice Studies, Canada. This book focused on decolonization of multiple justice-related areas, such as policing, the court system, prison, restorative justice, and the studies of law and criminology. This is quite likely one of the few student-led book projects in Canada covering the range of decolonization topics. Ten student authors explored the concept of decolonization in law, policing, prison, court, mental health, transitional justice and restorative justice. We are grateful to receive funding support from the University of Regina’s OER Publishing Program Small Project Grant, which enabled us to hire a professional copy editor for the book.

Ethics in Law Enforcement by Steve McCartney (CC BY).

“In this book, you will examine the moral and ethical issues that exist within law enforcement. This book will also familiarize you with the basic history, principles, and theories of ethics. These concepts will then be applied to the major components of the criminal justice system: policing, the courts, and corrections. Discussion will focus on personal values, individual responsibility, decision making, discretion, and the structure of accountability. Specific topics covered will include core values, codes of conduct, ethical dilemmas, organizational consequences, liability, and the importance of critical thinking. By the end of this book, you will be able to distinguish and critically debate contemporary ethical issues in law enforcement.”– website

This is a Canadian created resourceForensic Toxicology: From Crime Scene to the Virtual Lab by Sanela Martic (CC BY-NC-SA).

Take a virtual tour from fundamental toxicology through laboratory demonstrations to court cases that focus on analysis, interpretation and reporting of toxicological results in a forensic science context.

Global Femicide  by Brenda Anderson, Shauneen Pete, Wendee Kubik, Mary Rucklos-Hampton (CC-BY-NC).

This textbook brings Canadian, Mexican and Guatemalan stories together to show that the interlocking systems of sexualized and racialized violence is not only a product of historic colonization but continues to be entrenched as deliberate systems of colonization and global femicide.  Using reflections from Torn from our Midst:  Voices of Grief, Healing and Action from the 2008 MMIW Conference, this book is uniquely situated to provide a decades-long retrospective on what, if anything has changed since the time of that conference.  Roadblocks and successes are found in the chapters written by family members, scholars and researchers, artists, global activists and Canadian policy-makers.

Introduction to Criminology  by Shereen Hassan and Dan Lett (CC-BY).

Although this open education resource (OER) is written with the needs and abilities of first-year undergraduate criminology students in mind, it is designed to be flexible. As a whole, the OER is amply broad to serve as the main textbook for an introductory course, yet each chapter is deep enough to be useful as a supplement for subject-area courses; authors use plain and accessible language as much as possible, but introduce more advanced, technical concepts where appropriate; the text gives due attention to the historical “canon” of mainstream criminological thought, but it also challenges many of these ideas by exploring alternative, critical, and marginalized perspectives. After all, criminology is more than just the study of crime and criminal law; it is an examination of the ways human societies construct, contest, and defend ideas about right and wrong, the meaning of justice, the purpose and power of laws, and the practical methods of responding to broken rules and of mending relationships.

Introduction to Community Psychology by Leonard A. Jason, Olya Glantsman, Jack F. O’Brien, Kaitlyn N. Ramian (CC-BY) .

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